Tue May 30 02:11:33 CEST 2017 Linux seals-4 2.6.32-42-pve #1 SMP Fri Oct 9 10:50:32 CEST 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz MemTotal: 20447232 kB java version "1.8.0_101" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_101-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.101-b13, mixed mode) Max. Heap Size (Estimated): 4.33G 997c4a9c1b698616c49342bb1fa5a6b8adf7faf8 Buildfile: /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/build.xml compileall: [echo] Erasing... cleanjar: [echo] Erasing... [delete] Deleting: /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav/lazylav.jar [delete] Deleting: /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav/ll.jar bind: compile: [echo] Compiling... [javac] Compiling 21 source files to /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/classes [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. git.revision: versionnumber: [echo] 997c4a9c1b698616c49342bb1fa5a6b8adf7faf8 jar: [echo] Jarchiving... [copy] Copying 1 file to /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav [jar] Building jar: /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav/lazylav.jar [copy] Copying 1 file to /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav [jar] Building jar: /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav/ll.jar BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 2 seconds java -Dlog.level=INFO -cp lib/lazylav/ll.jar:lib/slf4j/logback-classic-1.1.9.jar:lib/slf4j/logback-core-1.1.9.jar:. fr.inria.exmo.lazylavender.engine.Monitor -DnbAgents=4 -DnbIterations=10000 -DnbRuns=10 -DreportPrecRec -DrevisionModality=delete -DexpandAlignments=clever -DnonRedundancy -DimmediateRatio=80 -Dgenerative 2017-05-30 02:11:37,190 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:11:37,418 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 54; Precision = 0.1111111111111111; Recall = 0.8953488372093024; incoherence = 0.3518518518518518 2017-05-30 02:15:01,384 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 52; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 0.43023255813953487; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:15:01,478 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:15:01,682 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 54; Precision = 0.1111111111111111; Recall = 0.9186046511627907; incoherence = 0.3148148148148148 2017-05-30 02:18:28,298 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 57; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 0.5348837209302325; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:18:28,382 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:18:28,464 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 54; Precision = 0.1111111111111111; Recall = 0.9302325581395349; incoherence = 0.3888888888888889 2017-05-30 02:21:48,791 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 46; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 0.37209302325581395; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:21:48,888 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:21:48,984 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 54; Precision = 0.1111111111111111; Recall = 0.9302325581395349; incoherence = 0.35185185185185186 2017-05-30 02:25:07,298 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 48; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 0.36046511627906974; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:25:07,384 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:25:07,464 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 54; Precision = 0.1111111111111111; Recall = 0.8604651162790697; incoherence = 0.3333333333333333 2017-05-30 02:28:30,812 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 50; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 0.4069767441860465; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:28:30,894 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:28:30,971 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 54; Precision = 0.1111111111111111; Recall = 0.9069767441860465; incoherence = 0.3611111111111111 2017-05-30 02:31:49,855 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 51; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 0.5; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:31:49,949 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:31:50,151 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 54; Precision = 0.1111111111111111; Recall = 0.8023255813953488; incoherence = 0.3611111111111111 2017-05-30 02:35:13,979 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 52; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 0.43023255813953487; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:35:14,077 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:35:14,156 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 54; Precision = 0.1111111111111111; Recall = 0.8953488372093024; incoherence = 0.3703703703703704 2017-05-30 02:38:40,416 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 55; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 0.43023255813953487; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:38:40,494 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:38:40,569 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 54; Precision = 0.1111111111111111; Recall = 0.8372093023255814; incoherence = 0.3796296296296296 2017-05-30 02:42:06,653 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 59; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 0.46511627906976744; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:42:06,733 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2017-05-30 02:42:06,806 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 54; Precision = 0.1111111111111111; Recall = 0.9302325581395349; incoherence = 0.3703703703703704 2017-05-30 02:45:30,302 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 54; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 0.3372093023255814; incoherence = 0.0 Tue May 30 02:45:30 CEST 2017