Sat Sep 15 12:58:33 CEST 2018 Linux seals-4 4.15.17-1-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.15.17-9 (Wed, 9 May 2018 13:31:43 +0200) x86_64 GNU/Linux model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz MemTotal: 20447232 kB java version "1.8.0_151" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode) Max. Heap Size (Estimated): 4.33G 759ff097b96520c12aa84f3749927f9a22022e62 Buildfile: /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/build.xml compileall: [echo] Erasing... cleanjar: [echo] Erasing... [delete] Deleting: /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav/lazylav.jar [delete] Deleting: /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav/ll.jar bind: compile: [echo] Compiling... [javac] Compiling 19 source files to /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/classes [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. git.revision: versionnumber: [echo] 759ff097b96520c12aa84f3749927f9a22022e62 jar: [echo] Jarchiving... [copy] Copying 1 file to /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav [jar] Building jar: /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav/lazylav.jar [copy] Copying 1 file to /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav [jar] Building jar: /scratch/LazyLav/lazylav/lib/lazylav/ll.jar BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 4 seconds java -Dlog.level=INFO -cp lib/lazylav/ll.jar:lib/slf4j/logback-classic-1.2.3.jar:lib/slf4j/logback-core-1.2.3.jar:. fr.inria.exmo.lazylavender.engine.Monitor -DnbAgents=4 -DnbIterations=10000 -DnbRuns=10 -DreportPrecRec -DloadDir=expeRun -DloadEnv -DloadAgents -DreplayGames -DrevisionModality=refine -DexpandAlignments=clever -DnonRedundancy -Dgenerative -Drealistic 2018-09-15 12:58:40,520 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2018-09-15 12:58:40,776 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 92; Precision = 0.25; Recall = 0.872093023255814; incoherence = 0.3412698412698412 2018-09-15 13:02:26,577 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 83; Precision = 0.7710843373493976; Recall = 0.7790697674418605; incoherence = 0.17191908968224756 2018-09-15 13:02:26,767 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2018-09-15 13:02:26,890 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 92; Precision = 0.2391304347826087; Recall = 0.9418604651162791; incoherence = 0.3439153439153439 2018-09-15 13:06:02,295 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 79; Precision = 0.7974683544303798; Recall = 0.7325581395348837; incoherence = 0.17082590612002377 2018-09-15 13:06:02,412 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2018-09-15 13:06:02,494 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 92; Precision = 0.2826086956521739; Recall = 0.8837209302325582; incoherence = 0.32010582010582006 2018-09-15 13:09:36,249 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 78; Precision = 0.8205128205128205; Recall = 0.7209302325581395; incoherence = 0.1428445966371663 2018-09-15 13:09:36,364 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2018-09-15 13:09:36,442 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 92; Precision = 0.20652173913043478; Recall = 0.8255813953488372; incoherence = 0.3320105820105819 2018-09-15 13:13:10,551 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 82; Precision = 0.8170731707317073; Recall = 0.7558139534883721; incoherence = 0.17454906204906204 2018-09-15 13:13:10,662 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2018-09-15 13:13:10,740 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 92; Precision = 0.22826086956521738; Recall = 0.9418604651162791; incoherence = 0.33201058201058203 2018-09-15 13:16:45,238 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 80; Precision = 0.8; Recall = 0.686046511627907; incoherence = 0.1493651085756349 2018-09-15 13:16:45,341 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2018-09-15 13:16:45,420 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 92; Precision = 0.2608695652173913; Recall = 0.9186046511627907; incoherence = 0.3981481481481482 2018-09-15 13:20:19,944 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 78; Precision = 0.7692307692307693; Recall = 0.7441860465116279; incoherence = 0.22470605375017141 2018-09-15 13:20:20,057 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2018-09-15 13:20:20,137 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 92; Precision = 0.25; Recall = 0.8604651162790697; incoherence = 0.3558201058201058 2018-09-15 13:23:53,114 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 80; Precision = 0.8125; Recall = 0.686046511627907; incoherence = 0.16435971435971436 2018-09-15 13:23:53,346 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2018-09-15 13:23:53,421 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 92; Precision = 0.30434782608695654; Recall = 0.9418604651162791; incoherence = 0.3677248677248677 2018-09-15 13:27:28,629 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 83; Precision = 0.7831325301204819; Recall = 0.6976744186046512; incoherence = 0.17484051036682616 2018-09-15 13:27:28,730 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2018-09-15 13:27:28,921 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 92; Precision = 0.25; Recall = 0.8255813953488372; incoherence = 0.3201058201058201 2018-09-15 13:31:02,011 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 81; Precision = 0.8641975308641975; Recall = 0.6627906976744186; incoherence = 0.11552287581699346 2018-09-15 13:31:02,115 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Reference Size = 86; Precision = 1.0; Recall = 1.0; incoherence = 0.0 2018-09-15 13:31:02,333 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Initial Size = 92; Precision = 0.25; Recall = 0.8953488372093024; incoherence = 0.3624338624338624 2018-09-15 13:34:32,928 INFO main f.i.e.l.env.NOOEnvironment Final Size = 75; Precision = 0.8133333333333334; Recall = 0.7325581395348837; incoherence = 0.18396464646464647 Sat Sep 15 13:34:33 CEST 2018