
Invalid experiment: incorrect reference alignment (see 20140208-NOOR)

Experiment design

Experimenter: Jérôme Euzenat (INRIA)

Date: 2014-02-04

Hash: 769936317dba7a3a3d7294155ef333e12f5d905a


This the same experiment as the 20140131-NOOR: 3 agents performing revision of a network of ontology.

Experimental setting:

The NOOEnvironment and AlignmentAdjustingAgent have been rewritten for:

AverageLogger has been provided to aggregate several runs together and compute the average.

Class used: NOOEnvironment, AlignmentAdjustingAgent, AlignmentRevisionExperiment, ActionLogger, AverageLogger, Monitor.

Execution environment: MacBook Pro 15, C2D 2.66GHz, 8GB - MacOS X 6.8 - Java 1.6.0 HotSpot

Result exploration

The following plot provides results using such features:


Initial F-measure is .12 (likely corresponding to the 6 correct top-top correspondences), final is .15 (likely corresponding to the increase in precision once discarded all bad correspondences).

Further experiments:

With respect to F-measure, there are several things to be changed:

This file can be retrieved from URL https://sake.re/20140204-NOOR

It is possible to check out the repository by cloning https://felapton.inrialpes.fr/cakes/20140204-NOOR.git

This experiment has been transferred from its initial location at https://gforge.inria.fr (not available any more)