Knowledge is transmitted between agents and across generations
Date: 20210601 (Yasser Bourahla)
10 runs; 200000 games
Setting : Agents start with random ontologies; agents adapt their knowledge to interaction failures with other agents (intra-generation knowledge transmission); agents provide training samples to their children to learn ontologies and interact with them (inter-generation knowledge transmission).
Hypothesis: Adding inter-generation transmission leads to higher accuracy than intra-generation transmission alone.
independent variables: ['period', 'transmission percentage', 'ontology transfer']
dependent variables: ['success rate by generation', 'accuracy']
Date: 20210601 (Yasser Bourahla)
LazyLavender hash: 82ea8d4fc316c5197f1641205063d3a6d3a790a8
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The independent variables have been varied as follows:
Adding inter-generation transmission leads to higher accuracy than intra-generation transmission alone.