Designer: Jérôme Euzenat (INRIA)
Date: 20180826
Hypotheses: Addjoin achieves the same as add but faster
Variation of: 20180305-NOOR
4 agents; 10 runs; 2000 games
Adaptation operators: add addjoin
Experimental setting: Same as [[20180305-NOOR]] after correction of expansion...
controled variables: ['revisionModality', 'syntactic']
dependent variables: ['srate', 'size', 'inc', 'prec', 'fmeas', 'rec', 'conv']
Class used: NOOEnvironment, AlignmentAdjustingAgent, AlignmentRevisionExperiment, ActionLogger, AverageLogger, Monitor
Execution environment: This is the first time that an experiment is rerun using the Docker environment instead as being replayed directly. The Docker file generated for 20180305-NOOR is found in the zip file. It has been tweaked, in particular to run the experiments on 2000 runs and with non realistic size
Note: This experiment has been set up to first generate the runs and then play them with different configuration. To strictly repeat it, it is necessary to reuse the same input and not generate a new one. Hence, the input is saved in the repository, the generating line above must be commented (including in Docker).
In dashed semantic measures (sometimes, they are not relevant).
We observe that:
The same observation has above can be made.
Analyst: Jérôme Euzenat (INRIA) (2018-08-26)
This experiment fully confirms 20180305-NOOR, i.e., addjoin is now working properly, with the observation that:
In addition, it shows that this is true with realistic and non realistic starting size and that the true convergence was indeed after 1000.
This file can be retrieved from URL
It is possible to check out the repository by cloning
This experiment has been transferred from its initial location at (not available any more)
The original, unaltered associated zip file can be obtained from
See original markdown ( or HTML (20180826-NOOR.html) files.